Sunday, 30 June 2013

5:2 Diet

Our favourite words are "shall we try this diet?" we love a fad diet with the hope that within a week of doing it we would lose that stone we've been hanging on to since baby number 1!!!

We really have tried them all - funnily to NO avail !!!

So here we are after our holidays (we didn't manage to lose the stone in the 19 weeks leading up to holiday despite our best efforts) and so begins the new diet!!!

We did try the 5:2 before holiday but only breifly and we didn't give it our all!!! With a 7lb holiday gain i now have 21 lbs to lose minimum!!! (darn you all inclusive buffet and pancake bar)

So we started on Monday 17th June (2 weeks tomorrow) and the results are in!!! drum roll please......

Jade Loss:        4.5lbs
Leeanne Loss:  5.5lbs

It is such a good diet!!! We found it better to have our fast days planned in advance (i choose days when Honey is at nursery) and to have healthy options in the fridge!

We try to start most mornings with lemon water (30 mins before food) and then home made smoothies (Waitrose frozen smoothie fruit is yum) and home made soups!

I have found it easier to start eating later in the day too!! That helps me alot!! And i like having a small lunch like home made soup and then a normal dinner but small quantity!!!

My Fitness Pal is a great app which tells you the exact calorie value of items and logs a diary for you!  I think this is essential!!

We did have a naughty weekend full of cocktails, Thai food, Fry ups and Chocolate so we feel we could of lost more but life isn't all about depriving yourself!!! We all have busy lifes and whats a weekend of fun in the grand scheme of things!!!

So we decided that we would follow the diet all week and at weekends not calorie count or fast at all just enjoy family time!

Our best tips are being prepared! Get healthy snacks in your fridge ready!! Also the amazing thing about this diet is if you go over on a fast day you can just fast the next day!!!

This diets gets our Thumbs up!!!!

Good luck and let us know how you get on if you try it!

J x

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