
Sunday, 3 November 2013

To blog or not to blog that is the question

I love Sundays! They are real family days in our house and we always have lots of visitors! We have a super busy house and I love the hustle and bustle!

You may of read in Thursdays blog that we have a new family member!

This is Buddy! Isnt he the cutest! he is 8 weeks old and a Golden Retriever

So if you know me you'll know i'm not really an animal person! So why get a dog i hear you ask! Well heres my little story......

We have had a few concerns about Rocco and his speech, interaction and development.  In September just after his 2nd birthday he was seen as The White Lodge by a team of paediatricians and therapist.  They assessed him and decided he was on the Autism Spectrum.  So my heart literally broke - theres no other way to explain the devastation i felt to hear this! Still now 7 weeks on i can't say it out loud without crying.  But enough about me and how i feel ...... back to the important stuff 

I took Rocco to my mums homeopathic doctor to let her see if she had any suggestions etc... We turned up early and she has two golden retrievers and one jack russell - as soon as we walked into the garden the jack russell jumped up at Rocco and was licking him - i was in ready mode to lift him up when i saw Rocco laughing and smiling and literally loving the attention! Rocco doesn't give alot of eye contact and doesn't initiate games or play so when i saw him chasing the dog and the dog chasing him back it was just magic!  It was like his face lit up and it was so nice to see him completely free and loving playing! 

I came home and told Leeanne about it and i had video'd him laughing and chasing and just watched it again and again!  I was trauling Pinterest for ideas when a picture of this book came up randomly 

Instantly intrigued and seeing how Rocco interacted with the dog i ordered it immediately!  So i started the book and whilst in absolute floods of tears at so many similarities - the boy in the book Dale had the same reaction to dogs that Rocco did so i decided we needed a dog! 

After lots of research and searching the internet and kennel club - we found a puppy!!!! So last Saturday we drove past Sheffield (over 200 miles away) to collect Buddy Tsamplakos! 

He is lovely! Its like having a 3rd child with all the toilet training and feeding etc but he is a little bit of magic and the 5th member of our family! 

I'm not putting any hopes on Buddy bringing Rocco on i'm just hoping it they can be great friends and Rocco feels safe with him! 

I am normally a really private person when it comes to health issues with my family - but i was hoping if any of our lovely readers have any stories about Autism or special games that are good etc.. anything at all i would love to hear! So please email me at

I hope you all have wonderful Sundays 

1 comment:

  1. Welcome Buddy and I'm sure that Rocco and Honey will learn so much from him. We have two labs, who are now 6 and 5, and the kids love them and gain so much from their relationships with them. It is a huge amount of work, on top of normal family life, but I wouldn't change it! Good luck with finding the right things to help Rocco, he has the best family to help him along the way. Rachel x
