
Saturday, 2 November 2013

Ultimate Choc Chip Cookies

Today we have our lovely friend Kim's  husband Brian guest blogging about his delicious Christmas cookies...

I found the recipe for these cookies in one of my favourite cook books, The River Cottage by Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall. Not only are these the nicest cookies I have ever tasted but they are so quick and easy to make the whole family can get involved. I like to save these for Christmas Eve, however, they can be knocked up in a few minutes in order to impress unexpected visitors! 

Talk of Santa is beginning to fill the air in our house and when Corey suggested we practice making these for Santa I couldn't resist. They only take a few minutes to prepare and 10 minutes to cook, and trust me, when they are out of the oven they will be gone in seconds!!

What you will need is as follows:

125g Unsalted Butter
100g Caster Sugar
75g Soft Light Brown Sugar
1 Medium Egg Lightly Beaten 
2 Teaspoons Vanilla Extract 
150g Plain Flour 
1/2 Teaspoon Baking Powder 
A Pinch Sea Salt
100g Dark Chocolate Chopped Into Smallish Chunks (Corey loves his chocolate so we ignore the smallish part 😃)

Gently melt the butter in a small saucepan
Mix both sugars in a bowl, add the melted butter and beat well with a wooden spoon
Beat in the egg and the vanilla 
Sift the flour, baking powder, and salt into the bowl and stir them in
Then add the chocolate (If this has not already been eaten!)

You now should have a gooey mixture 

Now depending on how big you like your cookies, dot heaped dessert spoonfuls of the mixture on to baking sheets lining with grease proof paper. Make sure to leave a few cm between each one as these cookies really spread out. 
Place in a pre-heated oven to 190 degrees/gas mark 5 for 8-10 minutes until they turn golden brown. This seems like forever to Corey as he spends this entire time looking into the oven! 

Take them out of the oven, taking care not to burn yourself and also fighting off whoever happens to be in the kitchen at that time. Place the cookies on to a wire rack to cool. This is a pointless exercise in our house as they never get the chance to cool completely. 


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