
Monday, 4 November 2013

Communication ...

Our Wedding Days and what amazing days they were! The days we married our soul mates! 

However even soul mates need help with communication! 

Nick isn't great talking face to face - he just doesn't listen, don't get me wrong he tries but it just doesn't go in. 

yep just like that! 

My biggest piece advice is if you want something you have to ask for it! Its that simple!!!  Men just don't think like us! They don't have the same brain as us and therefore its impossible for them to understand why we get upset if they haven't read our minds and organised a date night at your favourite restaurant! 

Girls get it! Like if i was to say to Lee "I said on the phone to Nick i loved Pink Peonies and he didn't bring me Pink Peonies home" I know she would understand - however Nick will walk in sans peonies non the wiser to my disappointment and just be thinking wow she's crazy.

So as its the present buying season if there is something you are really wishing for from Santa then you have to tell him or if thats too forward get your friend to give him hints! Theres no point in leaving a magazine open on the exact bracelet you would love and then when no bracelet arrives on Christmas or Birthday morning you are upset and think he doesn't know you or doesn't love you enough to care!  The truth is he either last minute dashed and got anything or more truthful in Nicks case he would of put lots of thought and effort in and really thought i wanted a juicer! (which i do haha) 

This honesty of just telling your partner what you want done can work in a plethora of scenarios! Just ask - if he says no he says no at least your not sitting there wondering why he isn't working out your evil eyes mean can you have a cup of tea! 

So throughout the year really - Lee and I send things we love to each other! They vary from the dream kitchen to the dream shoes to the best lipstick! We do a monthly i love and send all the pictures we have saved to our phone that month! We don't just send expensive things we send pictures of stationary and food etc... 

Then come Birthday, Anniversary and Christmas i know i can let Chris know some of the things Lee loves and would really like! Its a win win! Lee still doesn't know what shes getting and Chris knows shes going to love it and doesn't have to put all the effort in to thinking of the perfect present! And Lee does the same for Nick! 

My mum does the same with all of the grandchilren and us - shes gives us a budget and asks what we would like and then we choose and we get some stocking fillers too!! Its so much easier for her and also we all know we are getting something we really want! 

Don't get us wrong theres something special about your husband picking your present and being excited to give it to you! And i love those presents that hes taken the time to think about - and i never want that to end.  We know we have good men who provide and love us and our wonderful babies - but sometimes we need to give them a helping hand too! 

Happy Magic Monday 

Remember in the words of the Beatles "All you need is love, love is all you need"

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