
Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Measurement Memories

So i'm pretty sure most mums like to measure their little people's height!

I remember being a little girl and my Grandma measuring all the grandchildren against the kitchen doorframe.

I'm not sure where this tradition came from but its a really sweet and something most families do!

There's only one real downside, what happens when you move house? You can't take it with you and that makes me a little bit sad!

I'm crazy in love with this wooden ruler height measure, its literally everything and you can take it with you if you move!! Amazing! Only downside is its £140!! ouch. You can find it here on

So if that is a little out of your price range i came across another cool idea for a fraction of the price!

All you will need is a tape measure and a can of white spray paint (or another colour if you prefer)

Spray paint the whole measure of tape white so your left with a blank measure. Then you are free to write on the tape every time you measure your little ones up against the tape!

I think this is really cute and so nice to put in their memory boxes as you can do one for each child. 

I would love to be able to pull one out of my own measurements to be able to measure against my little people and compare how tall i was to them at their age.

I think its a super cheap priceless keepsake!

Let us know if you have cool ways to record your little people height we love to hear your ideas!

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