
Monday, 7 October 2013

Random acts of kindness

Have you ever seen that movie 'Pay it Forward'? If you haven't you really must and make sure you have some tissues! And for those that have you will know what i mean when i say wow what a powerful message!

Paying it forward is basically performing 3 acts of random kindness and instead of the recipient of the kindness repaying you, they then pay if forward to 3 more people. Those people will then go on and pay it forward and acts of kindness will spread and grow and the world will be a nicer place! A simple concept to spread kindness starting with just one person!

Whilst i do like to live in an ideal world i am fully aware that we actually don't and whilst many people would carry this concept forward there will be some that break the chain. But this doesn't mean you can't do something?

Why not do random acts of kindness for no reason other than being nice? This is something you can do with your children too (if you have little peeps).

  • You could leave your postman something yummy you home baked with a note saying thanks for delivering our mail.
  • Leave a £5 gift card with a note for someone to treat themselves on a table in a bookshop.
  • When your next popping to the shop, knock a few neighbours doors and ask if they need anything picking up.
  • Offer to write an elderly relative or neighbours christmas cards and do their wrapping
  • Take a box of cupcakes or Krispy Kreme's down to your local fire station to say thank you.
  • Gather up some colouring books and craft supplies and take them down to the local children's hospital
  • In the queue at Starbucks? Pay for the person behind you's coffee too.
  • Those little 20p sweetie machines you see out and about? Leave a 20p on the top!
These are just a few ideas of random acts of kindness, i'm sure you can think of many more of your own! The point is as well as being kind to your family and friends, spread some kindness everywhere you go! To people you may never even meet, you might make their day and inspire them to do the same!

Have a beautiful Monday! 

L & J xx

1 comment:

  1. Where I am from we (rather unimaginatively) call it Pay it Forwards! It is a gorgeous idea and I have to admit, I did do something last week. My usual postman got married so I gave him and his new wife a voucher for fuel from our local garage as I knew they weren't having a honeymoon and I thought they could go for a drive out together and have a meal. Not much I know, but just a little thing.

    The world most definitely would be a nicer place if more people did things like this. We have an elderly neighbour who is a widower and he comes for Sunday lunch with us once or twice a month too.

    Fi x
