
Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Rain Rain go away!

Brrrrr how cold is it already? Im pretty sure last week the sun was shining and we were enjoying playing outside and now its raining and all chilly! Well i guess it really is hello there Autumn.

I have to be honest i dread the cold and rainy winters. Theres so much super fun stuff that goes on in winter don't get me wrong but just normal day to day life in the bad weather when your a stay at home mum is hard work! Everyone gets cabin fever and you don't realise till the sunshine comes back just how happier it makes everyones moods.

I've decided i'm going to try my hardest this Autumn/Winter not to let us all get fed up! So i am planning lots of fun activities for us all to do and if its raining and my kids want to go to the park, we will go to the park and we will get wet and we will jump in puddles and get covered in mud and we will make happy fun memories to treasure!

Its a rainy September day here and i have a very bored Sienna so first up on our Autumn activity list is Cloud Dough!

Its really easy to make and you probably already have the stuff in its just 8 cups of flour to 1 cup of baby oil!

I used one of the drawers from the Ikea toy storage to mix it in but you could use a baking tray too? Something with a nice flat area for them to be able to play with it would be ideal!

So i added my 8 cups of flour...

Then i added in 1 cup of baby oil

Then mix it all together. You might need to use your hands towards the end.

Ta Daaa! Cloud Dough, its a bit like crumble mix in texture but don't be tempted to eat it.

Now to see what Sienna thinks...

She loved it!! 

I gave her a few of her play dough toys to use with it and she's been happily playing with this for the past hour! Its so quick and easy and something a bit different then play dough for them to experience. The tub was perfect as the higher sides stopped her from getting it all over for the mums who aren't fond of mess! I will deffo be making this again and again!

Let us know if you try it!

L xx

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