
Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Pushy Mum and Child Modelling

I get lots of people messaging me and asking about children’s modeling tips as Honey used to do a lot of modeling in her younger days (haha shes only 3)

So I thought I would write a few tips and things I learnt along the way!!!

Firstly and most importantly you should NOT have to pay to join an agency!!! First time I joined an agency I paid and surprise surprise it was a load of rubbish!!!

Secondly you DO NOT need professional photographs to join an agency! This is a waste of money!!! Again we learnt the hard way! Forked out for some modeling shots and TAA DAA we didn’t need them!

I then sent Honey’s pictures to a lovely agency called Kids London.  They put Honey on their books and we got lots of castings!

The castings are pretty standard procedure – you arrive, sign in, and wait for your child to shine in front of the camera.  Most of our castings were in London and as a Stay at Home mummy of 1 it meant lovely days out with the possibility of a little job at the end of it!

Honey got cast in Boots TV ad when she was 7 months old! I was sooooo proud – such an amazing feeling! We were on set and the director and everyone involved loved Honey! It really was great fun!! When you are on set or get cast for any job you really get looked after! They are always considerate to baby’s sleep times and have lots of snacks and people on hand to help if you need.

Honey also got jobs for Debenhams, Boden and Cow & Gate. 

So when honey was 15 months I found out I was pregnant with Rocco and from then I just didn’t have the energy for the castings! I knew that once I had Rocco the last thing I would want to do is be lugging up to town (oh how things change with 2).  I didn’t keep her measurements and pictures updated with Kids London and I just felt like we’d done enough!

Honey, Rocco and I were in Hollister in Guildford one day when a lady in the queue asked if Honey was with an agency and told me where she worked and that she was a model scout and would I send her a few pics of Honey.  The lady predominantly works with Boden and through this Honey has been in a few Boden catalogues.  We still have to do the casting etc and make sure Honey is what they want but the last 2 times she has been successful.  We also got a most fabulous chance of a casting for the I Love Gorgeous shoot!! Wow the clothes were a little girls dream!  On shoot Honey was fab!!!


Since having Rocco Honey’s behavior has become like most 3 year olds and the thought of bribing and coaxing her to have pictures if shes not in the mood just seems like the worst thing ever!!!

I entered both Honey and Rocco into a casting for Little Green Radicals on facebook and they both got the job!!! Hurrah!!!! It was surprisingly much easier than I thought it would be but not something I want to be doing every week at a casting!!!

You have to have a thick skin too, like at the time I thought Honey was the most beautiful baby in the whole wide world! Looking back now she really wasn’t (eeek are mums allowed to say that) I mean she is now but as a baby no!! Directors are looking for a particular look and if your child gets refused its not because they are not beautiful they just don’t fit that look!

If you’ve got the time and like travelling for sometimes a 5 min photo in and out where you can potentially make some good pennies then I would recommend it!!! It really is amazing seeing your children in magazines and brochures and papers!!!

But just be extra careful for the scam agencies!!!! I know first hand that Kids London is great! Really research the agencys you apply to – google is great for this and ask them about costs etc.  The reputable agencys take a percentage of the work you get and no upfront!!!

Good luck to all your beautiful babies!!!
Jade x

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  1. This is great advice! Kate has done a lot of modeling as well (in the USA) and your blog gives really good perspective into the "industry." We have never paid a penny for Kate's modeling, nor have we ever been asked to get professional photos taken. There are definitely a lot of scams out there, people do need to be careful!! Love seeing my "little mummy magic" emails in my inbox every morning :)

  2. Ahhhh thank you!!!! We love writing them!! So many people will to take your money for nothing!! X
