
Sunday, 23 June 2013

Surprises in the Mail

If your anything like me and Jade, your always split between trying to be the bestest mummy possible and trying to get your sparkle back! You know that little glimmer you used to have before those lovely little people you made entered your life? Before the sleepless nights of babies and the endless days of questions from your relentless threenager? That time when you could spend lazy sundays bathing, preening and all day looking through 'In Style' reading about the latest beauty products?

Yep we love to get lost in that lovely dreamyland too, but how can we bring it into our reality? Grabbing the occassional few hours with a mag and coffee in peace is a huge luxury these days. Who has the time to be reading up whats new and fab in the beauty world? We may make the effort to read up once every few months but then when do we actually get round to purchasing these new products to make us feel fab and somewhat like our old sparkly selves? Theres always something the little ones need and lets face it they always come first (and rightly so)!

So thats why when Jade mentioned to me about 'Glossy Box' a few months ago i thought wow what a fab idea!

The concept is simple! Every month you receive a lovely box (its always all about the packaging) containing 5 luxury beauty samples. Its delivered straight to your door and every month theres something new! How perfect is that for us mummy's? We get to try out fab new products before we part with our pennies on full sized items that we might not love! There's a range of subscription services the most expensive being £10 per month + £2.95 p&p. But lets face it whats £12.95 a month really? A couple of starbucks? Well worth it for the excitement of sending yourself a present in the post every month and being able to try lots of new products without having to spend lots of money!

I signed up for my first month this month and am so excited for it to arrive! I'll be sure to let you know what i think when my first box comes!

Have a lovely Sunday.

L xx

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