
Monday, 17 June 2013

Happy 1st Blog Day

Happy 1st Blogday to us 

Happy Monday and welcome to our first blog. 

We are Jade and Leeanne, two best friends, two mummy's with two 3 year old girls called Honey and Sienna and two 1 year old boys called Rocco and Tate and two 30 something husbands called Nick and Chris.

We've been reading some blogs for a while with envy but secretly neither of us thought we were interesting enough to start a blog on our own so we decided to join forces.

*cue Xfactor stylee voice over* When the power of two mummy's combine we become... super magical mummy's!! (Sorry we may have watched one to many cartoons!) 

We couldn't find a blog which was really us - there are lots of mummy ones, lots of toddler ones, lots of fashion ones, lots of make up ones, lots of baking ones but not with all of these things in one place! 

We are always finding and sharing ideas about kids, food, shopping, beauty, food, (oops is that food twice) and finding ways to get our sparkle back. We want to be us again not just someones mummy, it is the best job in the whole wide world, but we do actually have real names haha 

Our blog will consist of:
  • Mummy Monday's: Which will be products we love, tips to get your sparkle back, mummy time
  • Toddler Tuesday's: Fun things to do, fashion, help and tips
  • Wish for Wednesday's: Present ideas for everyone 
  • Thats Cool Thursday's: A review of our favourite things, inspirations, recommendations
  • Fashion Fix Friday's: Mummy fashion - obtainable and school run wearable 
  • Scrumptious Saturday's : Baking, favourite recipes, family, diet 
  • Surprise Sunday's: The world is our oyster 

We hope you love our blog and thanks for joining us on our blogging adventure

J & L 

1 comment:

  1. Ooh girls how exciting! Good luck and please post links it'll be lovely to see it grow xx
